Thursday, September 26, 2013

Deer Tips: Buying and Selling in StarBazzar

So today is Thursday and it's time for me to share my vast wisdom with you. As some of you might know I'm in Stardoll for around 6 years which make me kinda an expert in everything about I want to talk about how I buy and sell in bazzar in the way I can or get profit or make a goo deal. This are things that I've found during the time I'm on and that works the best for me.

1- Only go buy and sell things in bazzar if you know the items

Often we've no idea how much a certain item is worth or a certain brand we are searching for in bazzar but even then we go search it and maybe buy it. That's a huge no no  girl, do first your homework, and only then get active with it. 
Just to give you an example: I had this socks, from the picture you see bellow...they're gorgeous, from St. Trinians and extremely rare right? Well sometime ago I had no idea of that and because I needed some starcoins to buy a duh cheap wig I sold it for 250starcoins...You imagine how i'm feeling about that now, but I just wanted to share. 
So if you have in mind selling or buying a specific item always, but really always, try to find the real prize of it, by searching for it in bazzar for some time (don't buy it at once you see, that was my mistake often, get a shirt for 200 and next page it's at 50) or ask a good amount of girls if they know the prize. If you've a Facebook account go to groups like Stardoll Small Talk or Comprinhas no Stardoll and post a picture of the item(s) and ask if anyone knows the prizes, normally girls in this groups are quite helpful (but I would say don't sell to any of them until you know the real prize, in Stardoll often people get advantage of the innocence of each other).

2- If you want to trade never go first

I see girls all the time being scammed and loosing a good amounts of rares in this way but people girls think: you're trading with someone behind a computer that you've no idea who it's and that can easely get that 2 sds item you put them up for them without doing anything else. 

So many times people tried to scam me, you've no idea, but by following this rule I never had such a problem (well I lost my first collection of DKNY and ELLE cause I gave my password to my best friend some years ago, so I kinda would be careful with that too) so even if they put pression on you to go first don't give in, just say that it's the only way for you to trade, if they give up probably they'd scam you, or even if they really weren't going to I'm sure sooner or later you'll get the item you want anyway. But if even with this I'm telling you now you are going first ask for references: really, this is super important. That person you're going to trade with has probably traded with others already so ask him for names of people that he already traded with and ask them if that person is safe; it's really a easy quick thing, if you really care for your items don't forget to do such thing, people that are scammed most of the times don't get the items back.

3- Advertise your sale

When I say advertise your sale I don't mean broadcast in Stardoll; maybe it works for some people but for me it almost never did, specially if you're selling items above 20sds (only if it's ridiculous cheap, then you don't need to advertise anyway, it'll desapear in seconds). What I mean is that if you've for instance a Facebook account for your doll advertise there, specially if you've many friends it'll go fast and also it's for free; if you have an account but don't have many friends go to the groups I mentioned above and post there (girls if you want to know more groups like those let me know in the comments section, I'm member of a good amount of them and I'm more than glad to share with you).
* If you don't have an account I'd tell you from self experience it's quite nice and handy to have one - You can advertise your sales like I said but also connect with more girls from Stardoll but in a more free and relaxed enviromnet without censure and free chat and also you can post whatever you want and share your Stardoll experiences with others (add me here if I persuaded you well, hehe).
You can also tell girls through chat or they guestbook that you're having a sale though I don't really recommend it, I think it's not that nice nor for you nor for them, well at least I think so.

3.1 - Know your audience

One of the mistakes I see often and that I also made myself is for instance people that are trying to sell 600sds up rares to girls that have no rare whatsover. I mean I don't want to sound rude but be aware of whom you're trying to sell the items; if you're selling cheap items you should try to connect with girls that have around the same items and sds you've while if you want to sell really rare one go for girls that have a 'rich' closet and the ability to buy such things.

4- If you've the time go a bit higher

Well this is a secret between both of us ok? As I said it's important to be aware of the prizes of the items before you sell it so you don't loose stardollars but are also able to sell it but when I don't need the stardollars right now, do you know what I do? I go higher than the normal prize - not too much of course cause otherwise I'm not able to sell it (well maybe but then you need really to have some luck) but just a bit higher - it might take some more time to sell than it's normal prize but if you're able to see you'll get some profit, also cause many girls don't follow my number one rule so you've bigger chance to succeed. 
And by having the same concept in mind the same applies for when you need stardollars quickly: just sell bellow the normal prizes and the items will be sold much faster, just like how people did when the Limited Edition collection came, if you did go to bazzar and checked the prizes you know what I'm talking about.

5-Hotbuys have lost value

I was not totally sure if I should include it in this list but I think it's important to know (if you don't know already): since the Summer HotBuys retro came all the Hot Buys lost a lot of their normal value, not only the ones that were released but also the ones that didn't cause they might be later on so don't get too excited when you see a old hotbuys for real cheap, it's actually happening quite a lot.
What many girls are doing cause of that is selling cheap the hotbuys they own, even the not released old ones to get profit out of them before they go on bazzar, which might be also a risck considering that we've no idea what Stardoll will put in next collections of it. But now you can say: 'Well the summer is over so now the rerelease of the summer retro hotbuys will be over as well' - I wouldn't not really go in that thoughts, I think there's a quite big chance that there will be the Winter Retro Hotbuys or something so before you buy or sell any hotbuys think well in this.

6- Take your time

When searching for clothes in bazzar try not to do it in a hasty way, just take your time with it and by that less mistakes will be made; if you don't have the time or didn't do rule number one just skip it, also if you're too nervous or stressed out it's not a good idea to go there either.
You can also do like I do often that is while making something else in the computer or that I'm bored I slowly (try not to haste, otherwise you'll skip pages with good items, I do that mistake often) search in the middle of the other tasks I'm doing, also if you're not sure if a certain item is worth or not just keep that window and open another window and try to find it cheaper (again another little secret between us!).

7- If you're trying to have a nice collection with rares don't go for the cheapest items

What I mean is that when you're trying to make your closet more valuable and have some stardollars with you, try not to go for the cheapest plain items, but save your money for later to buy a real rare or a really good buy. 
'Oh that item is so cheap, let's buy it!', 'Omg 5sds!'...and then you've no stardollars to buy something that you were really looking for or that is rare and ridiculous cheap. It's actually quite hard to follow this sometimes, but often it can be quite rewarding; for instance I made a huge effort not to buy all kind of cheap little things during this week, which made me able to find this as soon as I saw it: 

It's worth around 2000 stardollars so I'm kinda quite pleased with that and I'm sure I wouldn't have the money enough for it if I'd buying like crazy every little cheap thing I saw (which was my pattern sometime ago).

8 - If possible have a 'Stardoll Piggy Account' 

Well this is something I always try to achieve but sometimes it doesn't go so well but I try anyway. If you see the item I got bellow you can also see it was quite handy me to have 600sds right? Actually it may happen sometimes so it'd be really good have always some certain amount of sds for such case, and here it's where my 'Piggy Bank' theory comes: save some sds (the best would be 600sds) for 'emergency' cases like that promise to yourself you don't spend it for anything else, also if you need to use it try to get the same amount back and don't spend stardollars until you get more than that. 
It's just like I said, this might work and be possible only for some girls or you might think it's not really needed but so far (trying to) doing this really helped me to get some items I was looking for.

9- Have fun, this is not more than pixels 

Really girls, yesterday some people freaked out cause I was not giving the name of the doll that sold me the ELLE at once, to the point that they even attacked me and made posts about it (actually I gave the name to the girls that asked me through chat in a polite way and I only didn't post cause just like I said some girls were acting just crazy), but I mean really?! Do you need to freak out over such stupid thing? It's just a game made out of pixels and if you're going to give more value than that to you're gonna have a bad time.

So relax and enjoy what you're doing, if you cannot get a certain item or you sold something and you regret it just let it go, it's just something you've online and even if you really like it sooner or later you'll be able to get it again anyhow. Stardoll is suposted to be a nice hobby that you do to enjoy yourself and have a nice time, not to take control over you and your life.

But that's it for today, I hope you did enjoy the post, if you've any doubts or things to say let me know in the comments bellow.

See you soon,


  1. I've used number 6 a lot. If I have some extra SD and am in the mood for Antidote or LE, when I find something for good price, I open another window and try to find it lower. It usually works! :D

    1. I know right! I do it all the time :D
