Saturday, September 21, 2013

Update + Message

Hello girls, I haven't been posting for many time (also not so active in Stardoll at all) so I've decided it'd be good to make a little post explaining myself as also what I'll be doing with the blog and my 'career' on Stardoll.

If you've been visiting my suite and checked my press (for the ones that don't know me I'm cooldeer123 there) you've seen that I'm terribly desapointed with Stardoll itself as also the environment surrounding it. It's just like I said there - Stardoll is not anymore that sweet site where you could express yourself through your style and connect with girls that have the same likes as you, now it's just a massive corporation that has the main goal to get huge amounts of money from children and teenagers, while using terribly marketing strategies.. and of course with that the all community around it changes; unfortunately there's a huge chance you'll be bully in Stardoll and even bigger that you're gonna be hacked or scammed. It's raw true, now it's about who has the most rares and/or is the most well known even if for that you'll crush other people.
This makes me so sad you know, to the point I wanted to sell my account, maybe I was stupid but I've connected with stardoll and many people there in a really nice innocent way, just to see it going downhill.
But to be honest I still have love to put nice clothes in my doll, see the amazing work graphic designers and most of all write posts like this where I can give you some of myself, and even though actually all blogs in stardoll are or shutting down or just inactive I've decided to continue with this blog, and at least make some posts per week. Also I won't leave stardoll (well I'm not 100%sure but I'll tell you how it goes) and I'll try to make something for myself out of it.

So now after this big testament (sorry about that!) I wanted to ask you guys also some help with the blog: bring new people, also if you'd like to be writers that would be awesome and keep checking the blog, as I said I'll be active on it so there will be some to read. Also something very important that I ask is opinions, like do you like the design of the blog, what kind of posts would you like to see, if I can change and place something new in it, etc, etc.

Have a nice weekend and see you soon,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. =) Have a nice weekend you too my friend!! I love reading this post.

    1. Thank you dear, i'm glad you liked it :)
